Valuation Services

Valuation Services

Providing services for the Real Estate Investment field.

Value Tech Realty Services, Inc. has provided numerous market rent survey reports to clients seeking certification under the new legislation. Value Tech takes a boots on the ground approach to due diligence for each project to ensure the highest quality. 


Our appraisers are licensed in more than 20 states across the U.S.

We specialize in multifamily and healthcare facilities, both existing and proposed. Our valuations have been used for multiple financing types including conventional, FHA, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, tax credits and bonds, and private equity.

We have experience with lenders, developers, owners and investors, and state and federal government agencies. We are also a HUD-approved third-party service provider for both MAP and LEAN applications. 

  • Complete Appraisals
  • HUD MAP and LEAN Appraisals
  • Limited Scope Appraisals
  • Financial Modeling
  • Pro forma Analyses
  • Investment Analyses
  • Case Studies
  • Consulting
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